Are reptiles good pets?
Caring for scaly pals
Owning a reptile is a fantastic pet option. The question is, are they perfect for you?
Reptilian pets can very be fun to have around – not to mention educational and awe inspiring.
We have a few reptile friends at the clinic like children’s pythons, tortoises, blue tongue lizards and geckos amongst others. We’ve noticed how they provide insight into mother-nature and make great friends – an attractive thing for lovers of these beauties.
What to consider before getting a reptile pet
You need an approved Reptile Licence to own reptiles in Australia
Sickness in reptiles is difficult to detect without an experienced eye
Being properly informed before purchasing is very important
Owning a reptile is a considered purchase as they have specific needs
Do you need a Reptile License to own a reptile?
Yes you need a licence to be a qualified, responsible reptile owner. In All States of Territories of Australia, it is the law to obtain a permit to keep any species of native reptile. If you are found in possession of such an animal without a permit you will attract severe penalties.
Find out the up-to-date information including licensing specifics and classifications (there are two major ones) and what those licences entitle you.
“(all reptiles in NSW) are protected under the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Act and it is against the law to take them from the wild or to have them in your possession without an appropriate licence from the DEC. Private people may keep native reptiles as pets under a licensing and record keeping system that allows the DEC to monitor what species are being kept, bred and traded amongst enthusiasts. A person who wishes to keep native reptiles may do so only if a Reptile Keepers Licence (RKL) is held by that person. It is against both State and Commonwealth law to keep species that are not native to Australia.”
According to the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC)
How do you buy reptiles ethically?
Below are some important rules and regulations to help you ethically purchase a reptilian pet in Australia.
Commercial trade in reptiles is prohibited in NSW
Pet shops are not allowed to buy or sell reptiles or even to have them on their premises, but they can sell cages and other accessories such as "hot-rocks"
Licensed keepers are allowed to dispose of their excess stock, such as the animals they breed, to other licence holders. However, they are not allowed to buy and sell animals as a commercial venture
Licensed keepers can only advertise to buy or sell animals in the newsletters of the reptile keeper associations (Herpetological associations) to which they personally belong.
If you’re ready to purchase a reptile:
Be aware that unwell reptiles are difficult to spot due to their "preservation response" (see more below).
A healthy reptile can only be obtained from an observant, caring and knowledgeable reptile keeper – not someone with a "She'll be right once you get 'em home" keeper.
How do you buy interstate reptiles?
There are commercial dealers in reptiles in Victoria, South Australia, the Northern Territory and ACT.
If you purchase an animal from one of these dealers or from anyone else in another state:
You must already hold a NSW reptile keepers' licence
You must obtain an interstate import licence from the NPWS before you can legally bring it into NSW.
Caring for your Reptile
How to house your reptile responsibly?
An adequate environment is key to a healthy reptile. Inadequate housing is the second most common source of diseases and issues encountered by reptiles so you must read up on what your new pet will need as part of your research.
Again, a sick reptile takes an observant eye to spot. Observing your pet for 15 minutes a day will help prevent undetected sickness. It is vital you keep your reptile in an appropriate environment and that you have a keen eye alongside us, your vets to give your new slithery, scaley one a great life.
A simplified list of equipment to house most reptiles includes:
A small glass aquarium
Cage furniture (branches from the natural habitat etc.)
Source of heat (like the hot rock mentioned above)
UV light
Factors to consider when caring for your reptile
You must stay up to date on current research. There are groups and associations that you should join to keep up to date on day to day care, handling them and good reptile husbandry.
It’s also important to keep tabs on:
Any signs of disease, injury or sickness – it is vital to detect early signs of disease and injury and being a keen observer of your reptile (at least 15 minutes each day) will be helpful.
Humidity levels – jungle dwellers need high humidity compared with dry climate species.
Giving them regular attention to keep them content (i.e. food and water, good cage hygiene) – this is especially important for reptiles.
We can help out with the do’s and don'ts in terms of the all important diet too, but as mentioned, research in the beginning will get you in good step.
Research, planning and preparation will get you ready for entry into a fascinating and rewarding experience. It may seem a big undertaking at first glance however, your decision to own an exotic beauty could contribute to the ever growing knowledge base we have of these special creatures.
Important sources with great information about owning a reptile
Important infomation and Info sources for the all important research:
Wildlife Licensing and Management unit on (02) 9585 6406 or email for enquiries.