Grass Seeds
Spring’s threat
Observation and preventative practice is paramount in avoiding grass seeds this season.
When Spring rains fall, all the local farmers and householders benefit. With the new pasture growth however, many different grasses and their seeds emerge.
Dangers of grass seeds in pets
The grass seeds have tiny barbs to only allow forward movement. The consequences of this migration can be quite serious – grass seeds travelling through an animal's system and into their internal organs after first entering the skin is a real danger.
If the seeds are swallowed they can stick to the back of the throat near the tonsils and cause inflammation and swelling. Others can migrate through the wall of the oesophagus, then through the lungs or abdomen causing widespread damage and infection.
We often extract multiple seeds from ears and ear canals, the nasal cavity, between the eye and eyelids, between the toes and even in gums and between the teeth. These grass seeds can cause abscesses. We often remove grass seeds lodged in the centre of the abscess which can be anywhere on the body.
Signs that your pet has grass seeds
The signs of a grass seed vary greatly, depending on their location on or in the body.
Matted hair or local swelling
In the ear canal – intense irritation and pain with head shaking, ear scratching and rubbing on the floor, or a head tilt
In the eye – closed eyelids and heavy tear production, or constant pawing at the affected eye can be seen
In the nose – sneezing and nasal discharge will result from some intranasal grass seeds
In the feet – lameness from foot infections are common when they penetrate the toes
In the mouth – excessive licking accompanies attachment to the gums, tongue and mouth
In the throat – coughing, retching, or gagging, and have difficulty eating and swallowing
How to examine your pet for grass seeds?
How easy is it for grass seeds to stick into your socks after a walk? Your dog is likely to have seeds in their coats and paws, so examine these regularly.
Check closely between the toes, in the ears, and in the coat around the "armpits" and groin areas. If you find a seed, try removing it with a pair of tweezers. If you cannot remove it easily, or you notice a lump of an old seed already embedded, please contact us immediately, as this could require surgery.
How do grass seeds get onto pets?
The seeds produced all have a certain shape enabling them to stick into a pet's skin or penetrate ears, eyelids and spaces between the toes.
Seeds that cause the most problems are the barley grass seed (they look like small darts) (see photo below). They have a very sharp point and a long tail. When they come in contact with an animal's skin or other body part, the sharp point easily breaks into the skin and the tail acts like a non-return stop establishing the seed in its new position. If not removed immediately, it may actually start to burrow in and travel through the body.
How to treat pets with grass seeds?
Most seeds in the eyes, ears, nose and mouth and those penetrating deeper into the skin of the feet usually need an examination and some level of anaesthesia. For safer removal from deep inside the ear canal or removal from under the skin, most patients need sedation. Some grass seeds can't be found on the first attempt, and repeated anaesthetics may be required.
Do not attempt to remove grass seeds that are lodged deeply – a damaged ear drum can result if the head moves at the wrong time.
Alternative treatment possibilities
Sometimes pets can remove superficial seeds themselves by grooming
Sometimes local anaesthetic eye drops are sufficient to remove intraocular seeds
How to prevent your pet getting grass seeds?
Pets which spend most of their time outside, especially working dogs, are most at risk.
If possible
Stop your pet from chewing on grasses that have seed heads
Prevent your pet from running through areas of tall grass when the plants have gone to seed
Close cropping the coats of outdoor-loving, longhaired pets
Short clipping of the area around the toes helps make inspection easier
Protective boots and vests for feet and body cover or "Doggles" for eye protection are available
Small balls of cotton wool into each ear can help, as they act like ear plugs
If you think your pet may have eaten seedy grass and is having problems such as coughing, sneezing or gagging, again, contact us as soon as possible on 02 6884 9900